Friday, October 4, 2024

Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not.

The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veteran To Date.Still hoping .
Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows.
Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree.....Big and Fat, Jewish Devil Dogs, Frogs To Date.Back In Time, Blasts In The Past, Rings 4 Roses. Lovers, haters, suckers, freaks, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Earth Angels.

Sinner, saint, son to stand out, for the moment, waiting for the sun to come out for the day. Writing things out... Have gray water to deliver to the garden in the yard. Hot sauce, hot pepper, heat for the birds, rabbits, and gofers, to keep out.

You got my attention, first line , was a thought exchange. So...

Starting over again, and again, so many times, ways to grow, ways to explore.Jordan Starr: Blue Ocean, Lakes, Oceans Dreams: Real Estate Dances: Treats.Love, Regrets, Plus:Accidental Raw Views. Nudity 2

The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veteran To Date.Still hoping .
Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Washington Marines or not, joys and pains, long lives together, dreams in the wind. Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not.

YOU'VE BEEN SELECTED: Are you voting for Joe Biden? NOT JEWISH.Twilight Zone!!!!! I'm out!!! Lmmfao!!Moot On The Run:Steven and Charlie R. Jarrot,Nuts.

Why ? If you like to be drama free enjoy the moment the time stressless interesting and different seeking places of interest to learn laugh and when needed lend a hand love to live as i enjoy every minute positive uplifting drive to have nothing but fun seeking wisdom that supports my future drama free life get back to me thank you

Dead Heads, Pages In Books. Lots of love, veterans in homes, dreams to actions..Witty ,Wise, and Healthy: Bonnie Tyler Wolves Hidden:100 Proof, ON .. Cards to read, signs online, tips and tales, stores of stories left behind. Jokers, clowns, dream dates, wishes on the stars at night. Classes of people without class, donkeys in the herds of cattle to call, frogs, snakes, and freaks out to tell their wales to.
Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, dances for love and luck, coins to flip, games on land, whales to call, hippos to recap, dates...Tales online, history to share, tips also. Lovers And Haters, 100 Proof, Hits And Misses, Dead Heads, Pages In Books. Lots of love, lots of luck, veterans in homes, dreams to actions,
Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips…

Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips…
Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance. Sad songs of… - Candi Sweet -


Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not.

Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows.
Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree.....Big and Fat, Jewish Devil Dogs, Frogs To Date.Back In Time, Blasts In The Past, Rings 4 Roses. Lovers, haters, suckers, freaks, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Earth Angels.

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