Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fool Faces


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The Fairy, the frog, the reptiles that are spineless…… The story of my life, tales of frogs, and snakes, darkness in the world for a period of five years. Truth and honesty 
Rachel Jarrot - Butch, Bitch, Buff, Whale to date, 7609020855NATIONAL TEEN SHABBATON · January 20, 2011 ·. CANT WAIT! 
Rachel Jarrot - Buff forever whale on land, butch, buffalo, party and play to
  •  Buff forever whales herd in open ranges, butt up to you, daddy and momey

Jewish wigs?Rachel Jarrot, fake hair expert.Butch to date-7609020855.

  • Butch, bitch, whale to date: 7607778998. Rachel Jarrot: flew back and forth between here and Los Angeles.....not use a great deal of organic hair left, wigs ...

  • Great day to turn back the pages of time, to see the clear picture, love and devotion, love and hate, the flip sides of a coin, love and hate the horns of a goat. Gifts to share with the words written of the bumps in the roads, trips to hell with the hell hounds, the Jewish Jarrot Whales and Freaks of 2015, gifts to share and oral talents to trade for a lick or a dick 
    to suck, friends of yours?

    Happy Songs: Jumps for Joy, Goodness and Mercy Angels, in the host of angels here. Songs of thanks, songs of the best that is yet to become, the time of our lives, songs to sing. Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand.

    Another note to share, from a star passing in the night, girlfriend, lost and searching for a new start, school in order always a teacher or a student, lessons to learm formally to start, friends that are 420 connected, and have heights of charms, wits and brains to share wisdom from the worlds crossed in the seas of times. Self-made men of the worlds to dream about, just for one black veteran in a sea of veterans wearing the same shoes. Life time friends today, is a dream of another kind, time to wake up and see the brand new world, of friends for a life time. Heaven or hell?

    Wow, a life time friend? Someone to accept you as you are, corrections pointed out to expand and grow, and be there thought the bumps in the road, and the forks in the road, with wisdom and knowledge for the best outcome, would be heaven. A companion would be nice. All the rest will follow in place after that.
    The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.
    Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.
    Flip the coins, flip the cards, lessons for the poker players here and now, changes to the game in place. Dreams of a lifetime bigger than the mistakes of love and devotion, of a man and a woman, and the bumps in the road. Changes and chances are tools of the trades of the world, used a lot of time in ways different for the people that act on deeds of kindness or deeds for a personal agenda.
     Friends, family and foes searches for love and life to start again, changes in place for a better class of people, writes and views altered to show changes in place, prayers and wishes for a new start, turning the page to a better impression to replace the ugly, bad, and twisted deeds and actions done when half dead. Undead and unstable is a state of mind for the vamps in the world. My world with help for the sick, help for the lost and confused in the remains of veterans in a state of transit still. Pieces of the tales to share.
    New dawns, new mornings of peace and love to share, ways to be happy and gay for a lifetime, life without colors or labels for blacks and whites, turning the pages again and again on a better dazes. Morning rainbows back to dreams, wishes, and prayers, granted to the lost, lonely, confused and lost, family, friends and foes, equal to pain and hurt, the same joys and happiness for the season. Seasons greetings, and may the best year yet, just part of the morning rainbows after the rain. 

    Happy dazes again for the 420 connected, and the growers with crops to move, notes to
    share, have pounds to move today. Could use a little help in that matter, and matters of the heart, and matters of dreams, hopes, and prayers, and help from Peter Pan and friends of yours? Seasons of joy and happiness to share forever. I cum in peace, I leave with joys and pains with the lessons learn, time to turn around and make new plans for dreams to actions...

    Ready for the battle of the wits, frog queen? How is that for attention now, bottle blone binbo, Sima, Sheri, Rachel Jarrot. Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night, Sheri Jarrot

    Views are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best interest. Snakes in the grasses, are fake friends that are true to you as long as it fits, in plans to steal more out of the sex trades with Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group. Happy dazes to share, bumps in the road, joys and pains, gifts to share daily. Happy for life still. 

    Out of their world, lights out to the sights and sounds of the undead and unstable, people that make me feel bad, people that make me question the things that are done for the right reasons. 

    Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.

     Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them as a group. Happy dazes to share, bumps in the road, joys and pains, gifts to share daily. Happy for life still.

    Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. 

    Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand.

    The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.

    Daily Prayers

    Happy Songs: Jumps for Joy, Goodness and Mercy Angels, in the host of angels here. Songs of thanks, songs of the best that is yet to become, the time of our lives, songs to sing. Forgive yourself for the hurts and pains of misunderstanding from a lack of understanding of yourself and the snakes within, the beast in place on the quiet, waiting for the time to change faces, or wear a different hat for the moments of truths and honesty to come in place, views and noses are something that we all have, make choices that you can live with. Stand tall and be counted for a man, be counted for the whole truth, in the twelve views of the matters at hand.

    Another note to share, from a star passing in the night, girlfriend, lost and searching for a new start, school in order always a teacher or a student, lessons to learm formally to start, friends that are 420 connected, and have heights of charms, wits and brains to share wisdom from the worlds crossed in the seas of times. Self-made men of the worlds to dream about, just for one black veteran in a sea of veterans wearing the same shoes. Life time friends today, is a dream of another kind, time to wake up and see the brand new world, of friends for a life time. Heaven or hell?

    Wow, a life time friend? Someone to accept you as you are, corrections pointed out to expand and grow, and be there thought the bumps in the road, and the forks in the road, with wisdom and knowledge for the best outcome, would be heaven. A companion would be nice. All the rest will follow in place after that.
    The people that talk shit, and the people that eat shit, are the donkeys, and the monkeys on the backs of the people that like to talk. Haters that do not want to see you do good, because it would make their world look small, not happy for the gifts of joy and pleasures from a story or two about good times, bad times, life as we know it to share in this season.
    Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view. More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.
    Flip the coins, flip the cards, lessons for the poker players here and now, changes to the game in place. Dreams of a lifetime bigger than the mistakes of love and devotion, of a man and a woman, and the bumps in the road. Changes and chances are tools of the trades of the world, used a lot of time in ways different for the people that act on deeds of kindness or deeds for a personal agenda.
     Friends, family and foes searches for love and life to start again, changes in place for a better class of people, writes and views altered to show changes in place, prayers and wishes for a new start, turning the page to a better impression to replace the ugly, bad, and twisted deeds and actions done when half dead. Undead and unstable is a state of mind for the vamps in the world. My world with help for the sick, help for the lost and confused in the remains of veterans in a state of transit still. Pieces of the tales to share.
    New dawns, new mornings of peace and love to share, ways to be happy and gay for a lifetime, life without colors or labels for blacks and whites, turning the pages again and again on a better dazes. Morning rainbows back to dreams, wishes, and prayers, granted to the lost, lonely, confused and lost, family, friends and foes, equal to pain and hurt, the same joys and happiness for the season. Seasons greetings, and may the best year yet, just part of the morning rainbows after the rain. 

    Happy dazes again for the 420 connected, and the growers with crops to move, notes to
    share, have pounds to move today. Could use a little help in that matter, and matters of the heart, and matters of dreams, hopes, and prayers, and help from Peter Pan and friends of yours? Seasons of joy and happiness to share forever. I cum in peace, I leave with joys and pains with the lessons learn, time to turn around and make new plans for dreams to actions...

    Ready for the battle of the wits, frog queen? How is that for attention now, bottle blone binbo, Sima, Sheri, Rachel Jarrot. Good times, jackasses and the freaks out at night, Sheri Jarrot, Cum for the wide mouth, talk dung now, cows and whales to date 7603601613.The Fairy, the frog, the reptiles that are spineless…… The story of my life, tales of frogs, and snakes, darkness in the world for a period of five years. Truth and honesty ..Rachel Jarrot - Butch, Bitch, Buff, Whale to date, 7609020855NATIONAL TEEN SHABBATON · January 20, 2011 ·. CANT WAIT! Rachel Jarrot - Buff forever whale on land, butch, buffalo, party and play?

     in joy for the season of happiness, forgiven and new faces to changes in place for the new year.

    Records Rounds.Sad songs to sing to break the rounds of the records broken or not for the good times in the shades of blue, sands on the beach to count another day....

    Record Breaks, Movies Deals, Happy Notes to share, good times, songs and dance, horse and pony shows, gifts to share, movies to make, joys and pains, nailed and crossed, trips to hell. Jesus Christ, monkey tales, Mother Goose Stories, kids of all ages, lessons to learn, hidden messagews, right and rites. Kings and castles, knights and Dukes, cowboys and seven little men.Records Rounds.Sad songs to sing to break the rounds of the records broken or not for the good times in the shades of blue, sands on the beach to count another day....

    Fish Blue: Plenty to see, fish and frogs, snakes in waters, fun in the sun, oceans to shores. Houses on the beach, day of the dead, trips to gardens of dead. Happy for times to say hello, flowers to graves, family and friends, bones in boxes, garden of dead.  Songs to sing, happy and delighted for the dazes on earth, gifts to share of the goodness and mercy of the angels.Happy and gay songs to dance the nights away, gifts to share joys and pains from the lessons learned, and the bumps in the road. Friends, family members, foes on the right side of the graves, graves to you and graves to me, happy for the blue sky.

    Happy for the chances to see the lights, in a blue state, dreams, wishes and desires, hope floating searching for places to land. Dreams of mine to share of the blue states of mind, connected to the seas and the blues skies, under the blue stars shooting in the sky. Gifts of words and gifts of pictures for a 1000 of words for the joys and pains of the bumps in the road.Records Rounds.Sad songs to sing to break the rounds of the records broken or not for the good times in the shades of blue, sands on the beach to count another day....

    Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily.

    Transplants from Cubu, Sima and Steve Jarrot, alive still? 

    Whales on the beach, devils on earth, freaks out at night, party and play your life away, gifts of love and laughter, jokes on you, jokes on the Jarrot Whales Freaks and Frogs 2015, gifts to share, with all nine faces and mask to flip. Turning the pages, drops of dimes, the wheels go round and round, time does not stop for the freaks in the herd of jackasses from the hills and valleys in California, Colorado, and Kansas. Gifts in the middle of the night, fruits and nuts to go, for the turns on the faces of fools.

    Done with the hardships RV camping for the searches for pussy to lick for the oral experts, 7608512267:Rachel, Steven, Sheri, Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998:freaks or frogs, that party and play for the cheap cum to suck for the cattle callers. Whales on land, freaks out at night, fake friends, snakes and fakes for the tasteful pleasures of the delight of Steven and kids, Rachel, Hanna, Rocky, Sarah, Sheri, and Sima Jarrot, Wolves for the knocks hard for sure, tricks and traders to date. Gifts from the center of the earth, date a freak from this herd of jackasses.

    I have become a writer, and write stories for the veterans that need cash and attention for the damages received in the military, I write there stories, so that they can get paid benefits and take the time to fill and place the forms. I have some of the stories that I wrote, and have come to a stand still with the process, because nobody really wants to stop and take the time. Have plans to use your program and your location, and your services to generate more monetary considerations for you. Not sure about your backgrounds, and how I can help you today, and maybe the rest of your tomorrows. Have the skills that are transferable, and would suit your programs. Just having a hard time with the image of being in a coffin with a gay fat guy ( someone that I used to know, was and is still the example for that), and can not get out of my head. Have more work to do on that.

    As a disable veteran, I get paid for the damages received in the military ( Aug 1978-Aug 1984), and still have damages from that time period, and more from work in the government besides the military, have worked for 3 Veterans Hospitals (Baltimore, Tucson, and Seattle), and believe me I have been addressing the issues that keep me up at night. Would love to share with you and hope that you have been waiting for my little light to shine in and around your program. You are already everything that I have dreamed up, with the horses, and the ranch, and the help in place, have been working
    on this path for years, just did not know how to get there, and I found you.

    You can be the judge, on what kind of person that I am. I like to think that I am an angel, or a dogwood butterfly (California State Butterfly), and I do wear wings some of the times that I run out and play the game of life. Have things that help me hang on longer waiting for the sun to shine again. Here are a few that I would like to share with you. Have not been able to sleep well, so have written a few things to get there, will share the best of the dreams and wishes that have been written, in pen names. Was born March 18, which is the day of rebirth, and that means to me to start over at the drop of a dime if needed, and can flip in and out of space and times, to the circles of life that connects us to the living things past and present.

    Words to live and grow with are " What can be brighter than the stars", family motto from 16 century, and the crest is a blue background with 9 stars, and have receive confirmation of the signs, that everything I would like to do is just around the corner, my beliefs over the years and space. Want to let you know out of the gate, that school is where I am going, just need a stable place to live and grow today.

    For  the love of the a man is what this is about, and how much do you take in the line of devotion, and how can you turn off the lies, that grew because of a lack of understanding. This is another story about the Jewish Prince of Frogs, and how he got placed in that position, and the views that were not shared by the other members of the family, and it is a matter of getting the word out there. So is it done to bring joy and pleasures not, it is done to knock out pies  in the sky. It is acceptable to so many, and it is okay because you skin covers red blood, and it will react the same when cut. There are so many ways to look at it, but it is a matter of saving face for a lot of them. The others just know how to push the buttons.

    Here we go again, the short hairs are pulled, and the family is forgotten, that family that was there for the bad times, and the times that changed, and the times when it was a matter of wishing for a better life, and then you forget what it was like, during the travels that you had to do alone. It was a matter of what the reward was, how can any thing be worth the trip, if the cash has to go to a cow that became a buffalo? It was a matter of a minor in place, and now that is not the case, it is about the joy and pleasure that delighted the creation of the loins, and it is to be shared by all, because that is the state of perfection. 

    Still in the dark. Sheri Jarrot 7603601613. The whale, big mouth bitch, fat as a cow with a calf in the oven. Bottle Blonde Bimbo, bad hair queer and cattle caller, always putting here nose in family members affairs. Always  dodged this super-sized wide ass jackass, mouth is too big for most of us. Hate the views, and the twisted and bend levels of truth and honesty with her, have her views to share. Fake friend, whale to date, base ball hat hairdresser to talk dung all day long, her make-up, and a one butch state of affairs.

    Sheri Jarrot, is the worst person in the world for periods of joy and pleasures for others, would rather talk shit and shake the snakes, so they can be alone again, time and time again. Phones calls, texts and emails, to family members dates, mates, and lovers. Devil within the hell hound of Upland, butch for the cum of the kid, Rachel Jarrot, lovers and suckers since day one, birth. Freaks, frogs, and fools, good times on a face of a fool with oral talents to shine in the tribe. 

    Not possible to come to agreements on that issue, so cows do fly in this world, and so do the buffalo, and the grass may be greener under the snow. Have been talking with Dan Strong, about all the snow coming down on the 35 ac spread, where  we spent part of the summers, the winters were a different story, and best by picture. So what do , do you work with the weather, and hope it stops and that will be the end of it, we can only pray. Whiteness in snow is so clean looking, you just can not eat the yellow spots that may be in the snow, and you have to watch for the rocks under the fields of snow, that nobody needs for the good times, or the bad ones.

    Have written stories, and used pen names, to think about facts not fiction to me, and the twisted and tainted views of Steven Jarrot:7608512267: just a snake, just a cheater, just a gay, fat guy in a coffin alone now. Balls to Rachel Jarrot, for the love and devotion of a sick man, that will and would cut off fingers, and pour acid on the fairies, pixies, and earth angels, that have lots of questions about acts and deeds done in the light of day. Questions about the shadows and the bad musters in the world, and the dumb jackasses, and the seven snakes within, and the excuses used for the love of a man for a woman. Faithful and bullshit are both 8 letter words, that Steven Jarrot, had problems with all his life, and has no concepts of what that means most of the time.
    Takes a lot of bullshit from Rachel, Sheri, Sima, and son Charles R. Jarrot, just because of lover of hate, and tainted views. To me, while I lived the RV camping life with Steven as my caretaker, he wanted to be my boyfriend, and he was not given that title, that is the one that he stole, to excuse the fingers pointed at me and my views, something better kept in the dark, for him and his family. Have so much more to work up and work out of my life still, was thankful for the lessons learned, and the one trip on the dark, ugly, and hateful lifestyle for women or guys that want to believe in fake people like him. 

    Enough. Blogs, tweets, and questions and answers on yahoo, to address the darkness of my life now, and back when stuck in a coffin, with Steven Jarrot, the gay and happy down low, saint and sinner warped in his skin. Excuses, and third party views are truths, and gospel to him about the life we had together. Stuck in a coffin with Steve, was my worst time on the cross up to date, in my life. Sad stories to share, to hope that others do not lose as much as I did.

    I have mental issues from the smiling faces like Steven Jarrot, and on hand just thankful for the lessons learned, and on the other hand looking for another mountain to climb. Not sure how many mountains to climb this week.

    God is light, god is love, god is here daily, in all the things that you can see, hope is hoping searching for a place to land, have the visions, have the message, have the free will, and have the fights daily and often to share my views, and how I choose to live, is the story that I have to share.

    Gifts of knowledge best for the long run, back to school again also. Help me help you make the most of the dreams to actions that you practice, and make a little room for growth and explanations. Have the plans, have the goals, have the dreams, and have the life to open windows and doors to the rewards for the gifts of sunshine and brightness that your program represents in my eyes. 

    Hope this help you get a clear picture, of who I am so I do not have to talk so much, have had a hard time with phone calls, and at one time, made $3000 a week with phone calls, lost my way with the gay, fat, RV camper, that wanted to be the best man to ever love me. Was not able to live with his kind of love and devotion, just looked like a liar, cheater, and a snake in the grass with the deeds and actions done out of that love. Better alone than with someone looking for my demise, is how it was for me.

     Good times...His story, is the life that is history still for the whales on land. He is a white, guy that is gay, and has a RV for a home, and sits on brains at the beach in Ventura, CA. Steven Jarrot: Dream lover, dream gay and fat as a whale guy, will eat you out of house and home, will eat you out of free will, will steal to give to golden calf-Rachel Jarrot: 7607778998: UCLA Butch Queen, new hat to wear. 

    Steven Jarrot: 7608512267: true colors out with the balls of his in Sheri Jarrot's purse, and pussy to lick and suck forever, buffalos both her and Rachel, Sima, Jacqueline, Carol on down low?, saints and sinners, judges alone always on the left side of grave. Happy about the type of person you are on this level, happy about image given to last, happy and gay mules and donkeys, with monkeys sees, with monkey that say and hear the hate to recreate with the blacks, Mexicans, and the working classes.

    Snakes in the grass and a evil person is the way my friends and my family and the strangers that hear ths recap say about this family of Steven Jay Jarrot, and his daughters 7608512267..Randy, Sarah, Candice, Penny Rachel or Rocky Jarrot, whales on land, freaks or the fag hags to date. -Jarrot, and Sheri Jarrot are all birds of the feather and the one and same in all family matters, to include Charley, Jackie and Sima Jarrot in this clan.

    The events of the Merry Month of May 2013, my sister from another mother had a thing with Steven Jarrot, and he made a promise to her and was not able to keep it. For some reason or another Steven became the person who he has always been, and two years is the length of time he was able to maintained the mast of his truth self, that his family has known and loves since the day he arrived. I wanted to continue the story where it  is now, but that will have to wait a bit longer.

    This history of the blame game that is currently played thought out this family. I like to call them the Jewish Army of 2015, just because more members may have been alive then. Was not that interested in learning the history of the Jarrots, the living ones are just pillars of the desert and they are charmed. 

    I wish them all well always, just want to let them know if they are human they have red blood, and that makes us all the same). But the things that has come from the head of this Army, Sima Jarrot, does not black women in her house, it  is something to scream about and wave you hands in the air, as if that was not a good thing. Take it any way you like, but it sounded to me the first time LLissa told me, that was not very Godlike. There are other words that would work better, but you can fill in the blanks yourself, or not.

     Steven Jarrot, 7603601613: is such a colorful charter that he reminds me of a snake in the grass or a wolf in the hen house. If you are not Sheri Jarrot, mother of the greatest Jewish woman to be, or the bald-headed baby- Rachel Jarrot, grandmother Sima, or the sister Jackie, than you can take trust me, as a finger to one and all others. Trust me from a Jewish member of this army of frogs, is just the same as everyone‘s   else fuck you. This is the translation for this family of Jarrots of La Quinta, California. Mama Sima is 94 and lives with son Steve Jarrot on Paradise West Drive,La Quinta, and she is collecting cash from the contacts that depend on Steven to cheat them on a monthly basis.

    There are some many of them that it is funny, how well Steven Jarrot, learned how to blow smoke up others tail ends, and how they all ask for more. So there are more lessons to be learned for the few or the many that think, the Jarrots shit out roses or the flowers of your choice. Crocks, liars, snakes, frogs, or wolves in the hen house are a few of the words to tell the story of this Army of Jewish Mankind.

    Beware, out of the gate that Steven Jarrot 760 851 2267, is a snake, and steals from the poor, disable and the people that have an expiration date because of their life style. Lots of the people have AIDS, Cancer, and kidney problems, and problems with their health that has a time limit on how much time they will be alive. Of course if you have good practices in place for control then you do not have to worry about falling off track around this prince of frogs. 

    The kids that he had, that are still alive and walking in the free world, have stories of being green with very with the lifestyle of dear daddy, Steven Jarrot. Dream life to share, hardships and sad stories change daily with the tricks, dicks, and Johns for turns to play. Dates with a dream boat, with nice green eyes, frog or freak, turns to have a lick by an oral expert. Gifts and skills to share. Good times on the beach.


    Whitney Houston - When You Believe. Weird, Wild, Women, Lovers To Keep, Earth Angels, Veterans With Skills, Goats And Sheep; Tales.Music to dance to, music to tell pieces of the stories, fairy tales of life to create, Moses and Jesus, men on the same time, white for the masses around the world, another fairy tale to control the sheep. Fairy tales in the bible, happy life after you expire if you follow the rules, or burn in hell, love and devotion with a twist, acceptable to frogs around the globe.Handsome Male iso a Chocolate DelightWishes Tonight; Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Freaks, Frogs, Fags Out. - m4w - 57 (Upland,Claremont,Montclair )  eye color : Green. height : 5'11" (180cm) status : bisexual, mostly gay and happy.I


     Jokers to the right and clowns to the left, stuck in the middle with better stories to get older and wiser as a giant. Gifts to share, the joys and pains in learning the first time, English is fine for me.Interview with: Rachel Jarrot:Horse And Pony Shows..Dreams.Paul Jarrot, Charles Edward Jarrot, to visit. Happy Birthday notes: all the best to sheep and goats, all the best to frogs.Handsome Male iso a Chocolate DelightWishes Tonight; Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Freaks, Frogs, Fags Out. - m4w - 57 (Upland,Claremont,Montclair )  eye color : Green. height : 5'11" (180cm) status : bisexual, mostly gay and happy.I

    Hello Friends .Oval office portrait ......?...Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! She even turns into princesses, mermaids, fairies & whatnot -Beaches, dreams in the water, dreams of houses on land, Peter Pan, giant to hold, giant in the air._-Belieb Family cows in training, dicks, dawgs, dates, cows for the land of shit, dung, and fecal matters.Oval office portrait ......?Freaks, Frogs, Snakes And Gaters, Tales On The Seven Seas, Dances In The Winds, Fish In Waves Made. Dances In The Dark, Hell Fires, Burning Lights.Jewish Wales, Butts And Donkeys, Flying Cows, Pigs And Hogs, Sheri And Rachel Jarrot. Gay and happy, family fuck fests in December, cum and play...Views are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best interest.Weird, Wild, Women, Lovers To Keep, Earth Angels, Veterans With Skills, Goats And Sheep; Tales.
    Fish Today, Poles and net, good times, happy dazes again, glory dazrs done. Sings a song or two, sun is going down, day is done, lights to shine. Stars bright tonight, wishes for fish to eat, tales and tips, seven steps.Reel Justiced: Dated 1996....Interview with: Rachel Jarrot:Horse And Pony Shows..Dreams.Paul Jarrot, Charles Edward Jarrot, to visit. glordia jarrot: Happy Birthday notes: all the best to sheep and goats, all the best to frogs and .

    Image result for Shocking! This Woman Turns Into Kylie Jenner Proving The Power Of Makeup!..I notice things, I just don't entertain bullshit., dates over here. Men And Mice: Cartoon Hits: Decades Of Frog Faces.Goats, Sheep, Rams, Fish Out Of Water.

    Paul Bergman and Michael Asimore, Universal Press Syndicated Company-Kansas City, USA.Dead to rites, lights out, in the… - Lucky Starr - Good times, wigs and all, caps to horns, love and hate, sheep and goats, horns to sound,…***TRUSTED And RESPECTED HEROES IN THE UNIVERSE .Handsome Male iso a Chocolate DelightWishes Tonight; Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Freaks, Frogs, Fags Out. - m4w - 57 (Upland,Claremont,Montclair )  eye color : Green. height : 5'11" (180cm) status : bisexual, mostly gay and happy.I


    Once again god didn't answer my prayers. Another fun day locked away.. works for me.. safest place to be.. curled up in my bed .watching TV.. surfing the net.. doing a project and whatever else I doin my room.. the only one that can harm me I anyway.. is myself.. she shoots she scores.Rachel Jarrot.ON THE RUN..BLACK LIVES MATTER: Pages for porn, good time toad, family affairs, heads to count, cons, clowns, cattle calls. Time To Change.

    Once again god didn't answer my prayers. Another fun day locked away.. works for me.. safest place to be.. curled up in my bed .watching TV.. surfing the net.. doing a project and whatever else I doin my room.. the only one that can harm me I anyway.. is myself.. she shoots she scores.Handsome Male iso a Chocolate DelightWishes Tonight; Buys/Sells/Rents/Trades/Cars/Scottors/Freaks, Frogs, Fags Out. - m4w - 57 (Upland,Claremont,Montclair )  eye color : Green. height : 5'11" (180cm) status : bisexual, mostly gay and happy.I

    Don't get me wrong. Ooh La La.💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH.Choices Made: Woman for one man, seniors alerts, giant on land, leader of the boys to men, bands to play. GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build.

    Glory Dazes To Come, Cali Chicks.Well mannered kind man, educated, trained and experienced. Romantic 2. American.☠️👾Appreciate effort, Dreams, Dukes, Glory Dazes To Come, Cali Chick, 😍😍🙏🏼✌️.My Future in the Media World:Dicks, dawgs, dikes, Rachel Jarrot.ON THE RUN..BLACK LIVES MATTER: Pages for porn, good time toad, family affairs, heads to count, cons, clowns, cattle calls. Time To Change.

    You? Me? Us?Light and darkness, sunny and bright, lovers and haters, coins to flip, games on words, tales of tricks, bumps in the road. Happy Friday, Happy Holidays, Happy Dazes: Twins angels, twins not while alive, for sure, why not when you die. ... things have changed.

    Fairy Tales, bible stories, teachers, and students, hats to wars, " hola "family, friends and foes, pages to turn, boats to float, ship of dreams to sale..My Future in the Media World:Dicks, dawgs, dikes, Rachel Jarrot.ON THE RUN..BLACK LIVES MATTER: Pages for porn, good time toad, family affairs, heads to count, cons, clowns, cattle calls. Time To Change.Interview with: Rachel Jarrot:Horse And Pony Shows..Dreams.Paul Jarrot, Charles Edward Jarrot, to visit. glordia jarrot: Happy Birthday notes: all the best to sheep and goats, all the best to frogs and .


    So what is up with you..factors to share, age, location, how tall, retired from what, questions between us now...Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!What does this mean? "Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.UPGRADE your mindset".SUCCESS IS A CHOICE.Wings Of Doves.Would you feed them....🐊🐊🍗🍖🤭Attempt to make peace😁Calm Seas"💜 #lagunabeach #california
    Pain and heartache is hell on earth. This is for those who couldn't For those who could. For those who constantly think they should. For me. I LOVE YOU. Sheep and goats, tales of lovers, tales of donkeys and sluts for free rides. Jewish Wales on the beaches.Stats to share, dead veterans every day 22 daily counts: veterans sad and blue.MILES OF BLESSINGS USA ALL NATIONS.Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!

     Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.White.Across The Networks. 😎👍🌊🏄....cartoon hits and misses...Story Sunsets Darkness. 🏄😎. - Close up.American birds, American Women.UPGRADE .

    Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!What does this mean? "Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.UPGRADE your mindset".

    Pain and heartache is hell on earth. This is for those who couldn't For those who could. For those who constantly think they should. For me. I LOVE YOU. Sheep and goats, tales of lovers, tales of donkeys and sluts for free rides. Jewish Wales on the beaches.Stats to share, dead veterans every day 22 daily counts: veterans sad and blue.MILES OF BLESSINGS USA ALL NATIONS.

    So what is up with you..factors to share, age, location, how tall, retired from what, questions between us now.Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!What does this mean? "Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.UPGRADE your mindset".

    Cows and cattle to call, donkeys and sluts for free rides, joys and pains, dances with dogs, dances in the dark, dances for the rites to write. Honoring Our Veterans Each and Everyday in America! Shooting Curses, Slaves - Just A Touch Of Love.Tales and stories, heads or tail, heads on a block, heads to cut off. Tricks and trades, dances in the dark, dances in black and white, pages to turn, hands to hold, lovers and hater, faces in the mirror.

    Image may contain: possible text that says 'BREAKING UP WITH A NARCISSIST It's a dark journey that will throw you into spells of depression, rage, and loneliness. It will unravel your deepest insecurities, leaving you with a lingering emptiness that haunts your every breath. But ultimately, it will heal you. You will become stronger than you could ever imagine. You understand who you are truly meant to be. NARCISSIST_FREE Excerpt from: Psychopath Free'
    O.B. Ackles served in the Army, and one of the places that he served in the military was in Alabama, and he as one of the lab rats that Uncle Sam used. Mistakes make, mistakes corrected in the matter at hand today, writes for the wrongs done to just one man and the family that he create. Love of the country is one thing, but to be a lab rat with a sickness that was curable is also not treated, men left to die.beliefs of the men and women in the United States. Mistakes to correct is in order today.

    Records to break, sad songs to write, gifts of words to share of the joys and pains of the bumps in the road. Sad songs to sing to break the rounds of the records broken or not for the good times in the shades of blue, sands on the beach to count another day....